After Dark modules for Turbo Pascal for Windows (c) 1991 by Tom Swan. All rights reserved. Note: You may use any of the files in the SHADES.ZIP file to create your own compiled After Dark DLL modules, which you may distribute free of any charge or royalty. Copy the files to a new directory. Compile the resources from a DOS prompt by entering the command rc -r shades. Load file ADUNIT.PAS into TPW's editor and compile by typing Alt+F9. Load file SHADES.PAS into the editor and compile also by typing Alt+F9. Return to a DOS prompt and rename SHADES.DLL to SHADES.AD, then copy that file to the After Dark directory where you keep other .AD files. When you next start After Dark (or restart the program while holding down the Ctrl key), select Shades to activate the new module. You may edit the program's resources using After Dark's ADRES.EXE resource editor. The resources are in After Dark's custom format, and for that reason, you can't use WRT or another resource editor to modify the settings. For more information about the files, see my column "Shades of Windows" in the August/September 1991 issue of PC TECHNIQUES. Enjoy! Tom Swan Compuserve ID 73627,3241 MCI Mail: TSWAN